Designing and Implementing Cloud Connectivity

Für Unternehmen

Seminar als Inhouse-Seminar buchen

Eine der Kernkompetenzen von PROTRANET sind effiziente Inhouse Schulungen. Wählen Sie aus bestehenden Konzepten mit bewährten Inhalten (Inhouse Standard) oder lassen Sie sich maßgeschneiderte Inhalte zu Ihrem individuellen Bedarf (Inhouse Individuell) zusammenstellen. Wir beraten Sie gerne.

4390,00 € (5,224,10 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

Preis auf Anfrage

Inhouse Standard
  • Langjährig erprobte und bewährte Inhalte
  • Topaktuelle Methodenvielfalt
  • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Umsetzung
  • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
  • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
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Inhouse Individuell
  • Maßgeschneidert für Ihr Unternehmen
  • Hohe Transferleistung durch Bearbeitung interner Projekte und Beispiele
  • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
  • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
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  • Public Cloud Fundamentals
  • Internet-Based Connectivity to Public Cloud
  • Private Connectivity to Public Cloud
  • SaaS Connectivity
  • Resilient and Scalable Public Cloud Connectivity
  • Cloud-Native Security Policies
  • Regulatory Compliance Requirements
  • Internet-Based Public Cloud Connectivity
  • Overlay Routing Deployment
  • Cisco SD-WAN Internet-Based Cloud Connectivity
  • Cisco SD-WAN Cloud Security
  • Cloud OnRamp for Saas
  • Cisco SD-WAN Policies
  • Application Quality of Experience
  • Internet-Based Public Cloud Connectivity Diagnostics
  • Overlay Routing Diagnostics
  • Cisco SD-WAN Public Cloud Connectivity Diagnostics


  • Cloud Architects
  • Cloud Administrators
  • Cloud Engineers
  • Cloud Network Engineers
  • Cloud Automation Engineers
  • Cloud Systems Engineers
  • Security Analysts
  • Cloud Security Managers
  • Cloud Consultants
  • Cloud Application Developers
  • Systems Engineers
  • Technical Solutions Architect


  • Describe the fundamental components and concepts of cloud computing, including deployment models, cloud services, and cloud providers, to provide learners with a comprehensive overview of the subject
  • Describe the options available for establishing connectivity to public cloud services, including point-to-point IPsec VPN and various Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Cloud OnRamp deployment options
  • Explain the public cloud connectivity architecture similarities and differences between different cloud service providers and explore the available connectivity options to the public cloud from a Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN environment
  • Describe private connectivity options to public cloud provider infrastructure
  • Describe direct connections to different public cloud providers for private peering
  • Describe connectivity solutions such as colocation, cloud exchange, and software-defined cloud interconnect providers for connecting to the public cloud infrastructure
  • Describe the available options for connectivity to SaaS applications from a geographically distributed organization’s premises
  • Explain the emergence of DIA to optimize cloud application performance and user experience
  • Describe the essential business and technical prerequisites for achieving high availability, resiliency, and scalability within an enterprise cloud connectivity network solution
  • Describe AWS, Azure, and GCP native security
  • Describe PCI DSS, FedRAMP, and HIPAA compliance requirements and their role in public cloud integration
  • Implement underlay (internet-based) connectivity to connect to the public cloud
  • Configure overlay tunnels over public transport to a cloud-native gateway in AWS, Azure, and GCP and to a cloud-hosted Cisco IOS XE router
  • Deploy a cloud-hosted Cisco IOS XE-based router instance and customize the cloud networking setup
  • Configure OSPF and BGP routing for typical enterprise network
  • Explore Cisco Umbrella SIG
  • Introduce Cisco vManage Policy Architecture and centralized data policies
  • Explain AAR policy components and implementation
  • Understand Microsoft 365 Traffic categories and service areas
  • Describe the AppQoE feature
  • Describe DRE deployment considerations
  • Describe how to diagnose and troubleshoot common issues for connectivity to public cloud environments using internet-based connectivity
  • Introduce the BGP routing protocol used for establishing connectivity between on-premises and public cloud devices over different connection options
  • Discuss BGP peering and connectivity issues with Microsoft Azure and explore various troubleshooting and test tools and techniques
  • Discuss some common configuration, networking, and routing issues encountered on customer edge devices when connecting to Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute


The knowledge and skills you are expected to have before attending this training are:

  • Basic understanding of enterprise routing
  • Basic understanding of WAN networking
  • Basic understanding of VPN technology
  • Basic understanding of Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN
  • Basic understanding of Public Cloud services

These skills can be found in the following Cisco Learning Offerings:

  • Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions (CCNA) v2.0
  • Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies (ENCOR)
  • Cisco SD-WAN Operation and Deployment (SDWFND)
  • Implementing Cisco SD-WAN Security and Cloud Solutions (SDWSCS)


4 Tage



4390,00 € (5,224,10 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)


4390,00 € (5,224,10 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

Individual Training: Preis auf Anfrage
Inhouse Training: Preis auf Anfrage



      Ihr Berater

      Martin Heubeck
      Group Leader Sales

      Beratungszentrale und Buchungshotline:



      Dieses Seminar können Sie als Präsenzseminar, online als LIVEINAR® oder im flexiblen Mix als FLEXINAR® buchen. MEHR ERFAHREN


      4390,00 € (5,224,10 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

        Unverbindliche Anfrage

        Preis auf Anfrage

        Inhouse Standard
        • Langjährig erprobte und bewährte Inhalte
        • Topaktuelle Methodenvielfalt
        • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Umsetzung
        • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
        • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
        Mehr erfahren
        Inhouse Individuell
        • Maßgeschneidert für Ihr Unternehmen
        • Hohe Transferleistung durch Bearbeitung interner Projekte und Beispiele
        • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
        • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
        Mehr erfahren


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          ist Mo – Fr 8:00 – 17:00 Uhr für Sie da.