VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage

Für Unternehmen

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3440,00 € (4,093,60 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

Preis auf Anfrage

Inhouse Standard
  • Langjährig erprobte und bewährte Inhalte
  • Topaktuelle Methodenvielfalt
  • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Umsetzung
  • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
  • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
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Inhouse Individuell
  • Maßgeschneidert für Ihr Unternehmen
  • Hohe Transferleistung durch Bearbeitung interner Projekte und Beispiele
  • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
  • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
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NSX-T Data Center Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Overview of modules and course objectives

VMware Virtual Cloud Network and NSX-T Data Center Overview

  • Introduce VMware’s Virtual Cloud Network vision
  • Describe VMware NSX-T Data Center portfolio
  • Describe NSX-T Data Center value proposition and use cases
  • Introduce Software-Defined Networking and VMware vSphere®
  • Describe NSX-T Data Center architecture and components
  • Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and functions
  • Introduce Converged Appliance

NSX-T Data Center Infrastructure Deployment

  • Deploy the Converged Appliance cluster
  • Navigate through the Policy Manager user interface
  • Prepare for the NSX-T Data Center infrastructure deployment
  • Configure N-VDS, Transport Zones, IP pools, and uplink profiles
  • Prepare ESXi and KVM hosts for NSX-T Data Center
  • Verify host deployment status and connectivity

NSX-T Data Center Logical Segment

  • Introduce logical segment key concepts and terminology
  • Explain N-VDS function and characteristics
  • Configure logical segments using the Policy Manager GUI
  • Attach VMware ESXiTM and KVM hosts to logical segments
  • Verify layer 2 connectivity
  • Describe various types of segment profiles
  • Create segment profiles and apply them to logical segments and ports
  • Explain MAC, ARP, and TEP tables used in layer 2 logical segmentation
  • Demonstrate Layer 2 unicast packet flow
  • Handle layer 2 BUM traffic

NSX-T Data Center Logical Bridging

  • Explain the function and purpose of logical bridging
  • Describe the components of logical bridging
  • Create logical bridges and bridge profiles

NSX-T Data Center Logical Routing

  • Introduce the tiered routing architecture
  • Explain the functions of Tier-0 and Tier-1 routers
  • Describe the logical router components: Service Router and Distributed Router
  • Discuss VMware NSX® EdgeTM node deployment and sizing options
  • Deploy NSX Edge nodes and Edge Cluster
  • Configure Tier-0 and Tier-1 logical routers
  • Discuss routing topologies and configure services on routers
  • Configure static routing, BGP, and ECMP
  • Describe NSX Edge high availability (HA)
  • Explain HA failure detection and failback modes

NSX-T Data Center Advanced Services

  • Describe NSX-T Data Center services
  • Explain the Network Address Translation (NAT) service
  • Explain the DNS and DHCP services
  • Explain the load-balancing features and rules
  • Describe the load-balancing benefits
  • Configure L4-7 load balancing
  • Introduce the IPSec VPN and L2 VPN concepts
  • Configure IPSec VPN and L2 VPN using Policy Manager

NSX-T Data Center Security

  • Introduce the NSX-T Data Center security approach and model
  • Explain the use cases and benefits of micro-segmentation
  • Describe the distributed firewall architecture, components, and functions
  • Create distributed firewall sections and rules
  • Describe the edge firewall architecture and functions
  • Configure edge firewall sections and rules
  • Introduce bridge firewall
  • Describe the service insertion feature
  • Explain the integration of partner security solutions with NSX-T Data Center
  • Configure Endpoint Protection policies
  • Configure Network Introspection policies

User and Role Management

  • Describe role-based Access Control and VMware Identity Manager™
  • Explain the integration of NSX-T Data Center with VMware Identity Manager
  • Explain authentication policies
  • Identify the various types of permissions
  • Describe the VMware Identity Manager built-in roles
  • Explain VMware Identity Manager domains and user attributes

NSX-T Data Center Basic Troubleshooting

  • Troubleshooting methodology for troubleshooting L2, L3, and service issues
  • Introduce various troubleshooting tools
  • Collect local and remote log files
  • Monitor the NSX-T Data Center environment


Experienced system administrators or network administrators


By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • Describe VMware Virtual Cloud Network and the NSX-T Data Center architecture
  • Describe the NSX-T Data Center components and main functions
  • Explain the NSX-T Data Center key features and benefits
  • Deploy and configure NSX-T Data Center infrastructure
  • Configure layer 2 logical segmenting and bridging
  • Explain the tiered routing architecture and configure logical routers
  • Configure advanced services such as VPN and load balancing
  • Explain the NSX-T Data Center security model with micro-segmentation
  • Configure distributed and edge firewall to protect east-west and north-south traffic
  • Explain advanced security enforcement with partner service insertion
  • Gather relevant information and perform basic troubleshooting


  • Good understanding of TCP/IP services
  • Working experience of enterprise switching and routing
  • Good understanding of network security and working experience with firewalls
  • Solid understanding of concepts presented in the following courses:
    • VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals
    • VMware Introduction to Network Virtualization with NSX
    • VMware Network Virtualization Fundamentals


5 Tage



3440,00 € (4,093,60 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)


3440,00 € (4,093,60 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

Individual Training: Preis auf Anfrage
Inhouse Training: Preis auf Anfrage



      Ihr Berater

      Martin Heubeck
      Group Leader Sales

      Beratungszentrale und Buchungshotline:



      Dieses Seminar können Sie als Präsenzseminar, online als LIVEINAR® oder im flexiblen Mix als FLEXINAR® buchen. MEHR ERFAHREN


      3440,00 € (4,093,60 € inkl. 19% MwSt.)

        Unverbindliche Anfrage

        Preis auf Anfrage

        Inhouse Standard
        • Langjährig erprobte und bewährte Inhalte
        • Topaktuelle Methodenvielfalt
        • Schnelle und unkomplizierte Umsetzung
        • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
        • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
        Mehr erfahren
        Inhouse Individuell
        • Maßgeschneidert für Ihr Unternehmen
        • Hohe Transferleistung durch Bearbeitung interner Projekte und Beispiele
        • Praxiserfahrene Trainer aus Ihrer Branche
        • Hochprofessionelles Seminarmanagement
        Mehr erfahren


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